martes, 6 de junio de 2017

Day 3 .
Daily Report : Noveno B .
·         RONALD NIÑO: Review 1 and 2, units  1-8, Pages 30 and 52. Cambridge Book.
·         CHRISTIAN MALDONADO: Today we revised the Mock test and comment it to get all the answers clear. Remember: I will close MyOn activities at 8 pm. I hope you complete your readings. Otherwise your grade is going to be not very positive. Remember to bring your Cambridge and UNO books for tomorrow fully worked as I asked you to in the previous Nota del Dia. The audios for Prepare 3 and 5 books, as well as the units for this term, are uploaded at, so the complete material has been guaranteed.
·         JAIME RAMOS: Today we will review doubts from the test and interrogative forms of each tense with an activity to create questions.
INGLES UNO: Por motivos de actualización de la plataforma Unoi se han modificado los usuarios que contienen algún espacio, reemplazando dichos espacios por un guion ( - ).  

Les informamos a los estudiantes que están llevando acabo curso de catequesis que esta semana no tenemos, retomaremos las clases de este curso el miércoles entrando de vacaciones.
Thank you

High school teachers and Coordination

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