Day 5 .
Daily Report : Noveno B .
RONALD NIÑO: Weekly quiz,
present perfect.
KATHERINE GARCIA: Today we worked on the
Units 1-6 revision pages 46-47. These activities gave us the chance to discuss
on the daily situations for every one of us. We also worked on the using of
phrasal verbs with UP&OUT in sentences. Moreover, we had a discussion about
being a broad-minded person. We could listen to each other´s opinions based on
the experience we have had travelling abroad. Finally, as a homework they need
to finish exercises 4 and 5 from page 47.
RAMOS: Today we worked on the
brochure of three different destinations that must be done individually, also
today were given the instructions for the videoclip (as a tourist guide)
inviting customers to travel. It must last at least 5 minutes, done in pairs
but each must talk minimum two minutes for next Friday and it must be sent to
the email.
MALDONADO: We spoke about the different conditions students around the world have
to face to go to school.
EDU.FISICA: El día de hoy reorganizamos parejas de baile e
iniciamos con calentamiento y pasos básicos.
SOCIALES: El día de hoy se revisó la tarea de la clase anterior
actividad 1,2 de la pág. 143,144 y se inició el tema de los partidos políticos.
ESPAÑOL: En la clase de hoy se
concluyó la guía del Romanticismo,
Realismo y Naturalismo. Se inició la guía de la Oración Coordinada, hasta
la página 175.Próxima clase traer ambos módulos.
Thank you
High school teachers and Coordination
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