martes, 8 de agosto de 2017

DAY Ago-08 . 
Daily Report : Noveno B .
·         RONALD NIÑO: Reading, writing, listening and speaking, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple.
·         JHON PEÑA: Today the students had a dictation, where they practiced spelling. They also practiced reading and writing questions from KET exam.
·         JAIME RAMOS: Reading/ writing: worked on a reading workshop about an email of a foreign student. For writing we made film reviews. For listening we worked with an audio of the british council. Speaking, we will work on how to make questions
·         CHRISTIAN MALDONADO: We started working on writing exercises from the official Cambridge tests. Later on, during the listening part, we worked with the official material for that mean. Assignment: to bring 10 isolated sentences with the basic structure of English.
EDU.FÍSICA: Ensayo del baile y coreografia de la danza folclorica.
Thank you
High school teachers and Coordination

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