DAY Ago-09 .
Daily Report : Noveno B .
RONALD NIÑO: Reading, Writing,
Listening, Speaking, Past Continuous, Superlative and Comparatives.
JAIME RAMOS: Today we worked on
a reading about mind maps and created one for the reading part, for the writing
we learned how to create a post card using present perfect and present
progressive, listening: we listened to audios from the British council and
speaking we prepared speaking test learning how to make questions
JHON PEÑA: Today we had a
dictation of 114 words. We also practiced the four English skills through classrooms activities.
MALDONADO: Reading and writing: use of adverbs and linkers to construct a
well-written paragraph. Listening: exercise with the song “Patience” by Guns
and Roses, sing along, karaoke and live singing with guitar. Speaking:
continuing of the use of the Cambridge official cards to practice the speaking
skill for the KET test.
LEYDY PARRA: Students worked on
the four skills. On Friday we will have a spelling bee contest. Students
must study the 65 words plus the long one. Do not forget to study.
SABER: Cordial Saludo. Durante el dia de hoy se realizo
taller sobre aspectos convivenciales, sexualidad y uso responsable de la
tecnologia con el grupo, agradecemos retroalimentar las actividades al interior
de la familia. Dpto. Psicologia – Ps.
Edwin Brito.
el concurso de cuento, los estudiantes inscritos tienen plazo hasta el viernes
11 de agosto para entregar el cuento de invención propia. Tener en cuenta,
título llamativo, extensión entre 3 o 4 párrafos, tipo letra Arial tamaño 12
Thank you
High school teachers and Coordination
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