miércoles, 9 de agosto de 2017

DAY Ago-09 . 
Daily Report : Noveno B .
·         RONALD NIÑO: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Past Continuous, Superlative and Comparatives.
·         JAIME RAMOS: Today we worked on a reading about mind maps and created one for the reading part, for the writing we learned how to create a post card using present perfect and present progressive, listening: we listened to audios from the British council and speaking we prepared speaking test learning how to make questions
·         JHON PEÑA: Today we had a dictation of 114 words. We also practiced the four English skills through  classrooms activities.
·         CHRISTIAN MALDONADO: Reading and writing: use of adverbs and linkers to construct a well-written paragraph. Listening: exercise with the song “Patience” by Guns and Roses, sing along, karaoke and live singing with guitar. Speaking: continuing of the use of the Cambridge official cards to practice the speaking skill for the KET test.
·         LEYDY PARRA: Students worked on the four skills. On Friday we will have a spelling bee contest. Students must study the 65 words plus the long one. Do not forget to study.
SABER: Cordial Saludo. Durante el dia de hoy se realizo taller sobre aspectos convivenciales, sexualidad y uso responsable de la tecnologia con el grupo, agradecemos retroalimentar las actividades al interior de la familia.  Dpto. Psicologia – Ps. Edwin Brito.            
ESPAÑOL: Para el concurso de cuento, los estudiantes inscritos tienen plazo hasta el viernes 11 de agosto para entregar el cuento de invención propia. Tener en cuenta, título llamativo, extensión entre 3 o 4 párrafos, tipo letra Arial tamaño 12 impreso.
Thank you
High school teachers and Coordination

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